Tuesday, March 20, 2007

April Newsletter Article

Dear Members of St Paul,

During this past month we have been following the Theme of Jesus our Suffering Savior during our midweek Lenten services. We have talked about the wounds of Jesus, we have talked about the appearance of Jesus, we have talked about the fact that we have come to believe the story of Jesus when at first we refused, we have talked about the fact that we are like wandering sheep who have strayed from the Shepherd. All of these individual themes are derived from the Isaiah 53 passage that has been our theme throughout this Lenten season.

Soon Lent will be finished. The first Sunday in April is Palm Sunday. That marks the beginning of Holy Week. Holy Week will continue our meditation upon the sufferings of Jesus. This week culminates in the celebration of Good Friday where we remember the suffering of Jesus on the cross. But Good Friday is the end – it is the end of suffering and it is the end of sadness. On the following Sunday – on Easter Sunday our joy is reborn.

As Christians we live our lives in that constant in-between area caught in the middle of sadness and joy. As we see our sin, as we see the suffering of Jesus, as we see our own suffering we are moved to sadness – but this sadness never can get the better of our joy. This sadness is there as a constant reminder, it always tries to rob away our joy. But our joy is always there.

We have joy because of Jesus. We have joy because of the fact that three days after his death, his life was given back to him. God looked at the sacrifice of Jesus and he said that it was enough. The price had been pain in full and there was not going to be any need for any more payment to be made. Because of Jesus we have so much freedom and therefor we have so much to be thankful for. We have so much reason for joy.

As we go through our Holy Week observance, we do so being mindful of our Suffering Savior. But we keep our eyes our for Easter where our Suffering Savior is given victory over sin because of his wounds.

May the Joy of Easter be yours,

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Schlueter

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